Friday, January 15, 2010



  1. damn it!
    you are so right!
    I've been through all the phases that you described, and i felt exactly the same.
    You are really great at this..
    But, I hope my ending will not be the same as you imagined though. That's too pathetic.
    But, you know what?
    The best and most enjoyable way to live your lives is knowing how to handle yourself...
    knowing when to change your mask, your mind, your action when you are dealing with ppl from different planet.
    I know sometimes, this is so depressing.. but you know what? This is life. This is real. This is about being realistic and materialistic.
    Don't fucking stay in emo corner.
    instead. go and influence others. go and learn how to manipulate people. (sound evil? rite:X)
    I think ppl like that learned faster and enjoyed more...
    I'm also still in the process... learning.. adapting..

    I hope you too..
    die happily.. :P

  2. btw, i didn't realize you are such an emo person.
