Thursday, July 1, 2010

C++ Revisited

Well, recently was reading this book "Beginning C++ Game Programming" written by Michael Dawson.
Initially I thought this book covers the visual part of C++, but in fact, all its solid examples and tutorials given were console-based programs.

For overview, this book consists of 10 chapters, which covers the basics and core parts of C++ language.

Besides, Standard Template Library(STL) also been introduced in this book. STL represents a collection of programming work which have been done well and it provides containers, algorithms, and iterators which will help in easing programmers' life.

Other than that, the concepts on references, pointers and inheritance have been revised again with the examples and detailed elaborations. There is a thing to point out: by using pointers and references, the memory cost of running a program is greatly reduced but extra efforts have to be put on keeping track of the memory on the heap and delete them when they are no longer in use to prevent memory leak.

I can say that the last 2 chapters on polymorphism, abstract class and overloading operators are pretty tough to get through. In conclusion, this book is truly a stepping stone for anyone who wishes to enter the world of game programming by using C++.

To understand C++ better, I am going to read another book of visual C++ shortly.

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